Writer’s block is a common condition, mostly related to creative writing, where an author experiences a temporary literary slowdown or is unable to create new work. Sometimes, this artistic stall is nothing more than a simple problem with the writing software that has been used, such as word-processing software. Occasionally, however, writer’s block is caused by an actual physical inability to create the written word. Writer’s block often stems from being aware of one’s inability to write, rather than from a lack of ability or inspiration.
Writer’s block is a very common phenomenon, especially for first-time authors. It is frustrating because you are trying to put forth a meaningful piece of work, something that can be enjoyed by others, and yet it remains stuck in your mind and you have no idea when you will get your words down on paper. The frustration of writer’s block is compounded by the inability of many writers to think clearly enough to put their ideas down on paper. This mental block is often related to a mental inability to ‘clear your mind’. While clear thinking may not necessarily guarantee the development of words, it certainly enhances the likelihood of coming up with good ideas.
Writer’s block can be cripplingly frustrating; one writer confessed to stressing over each and every written piece he wrote. Writing is therapeutic and cathartic; many writers said that their favourite moments in life were moments spent in the midst of writing. However, writers often endure a prolonged period of “writer’s block”, sometimes resulting in bad work, according to a number of writers who have struggled with the problem. One of the best ways to work through writer’s block is to get a big picture of what your work will look like when it’s completed. This is probably the most effective way to prevent writer’s block.